Doctor Who: The Mark of the Rani

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Doctor Who: The Mark of the Rani


The Doctor visits the home of Robert Stephenson who, on the eve of the industrial revolution, has called together a meeting of all the great minds of his age. Whilst there, the Doctor also discovers the Master, and an unscrupulous Time Lady known as the Rani – but why?Episode 1Attracted to time turbulence, the Doctor and Peri arrive on early 19thcentury Earth to discover a small mining community in turmoil. At firstit seems that a group of Luddites have taken over the area. The Doctorinvestigates and finally tracks down the Rani, a renegade Time Lady,who has taken over the local bath house and is draining the brains ofthe miners of the chemical that induces natural sleep. Into the mixtureis thrown the Master. Forever out to cause trouble, he attempts tohumiliate and then kill the Doctor.Episode 2The Doctor is saved from a grim fate by inventor George Stephenson.He and Peri return to Lord Ravensworth’s, where Stephenson hasplanned a meeting of scientific and engineering geniuses in thevillage. Meanwhile, the Master has hatched a plan to speed up thehistorical development of Earth so he can use it as a power base. Hisplan involves using the minds of eminent scientists includingStephenson, and he makes a deal with the Rani over her brain-fluidproject. Fortunately, the Doctor is able to resolve the situation, andthe Master and the Rani are sent spinning into time and space trappedin a disabled Tardis.

Doctor Who: The Mark of the Rani
