Angelus July – August 2016 “Social Doctrine of the Church”

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Angelus July – August 2016 “Social Doctrine of the Church”

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Theme: The Social Doctrine of the Church

  • Interview with Traditional Catholic Businessmen
  • Spiritual Poverty, by Fr. Ceslas Spicq, O.P. on St. Luke’s Gospel, 1973
  • Christ the King of the Economy, by Brian M. McCall
  • Mammon Said…,by a Priest (from Fideliter, No. 229, pp. 14-16)

Faith and Morals

  • Pentecost and the Sundays of the Year, by Fr. Christopher Danel, SSPX
  • Papal Teachings, Motu Proprio, Fin Dalla Prima Nostra, concerning popular Catholic action, by Pope Pius X, Dec. 18, 1903


  • Pope Sarto’s ÌÎÌ_minence Grise, by Fr. Dominique Bourmaud, SSPX
  • The Archbishop and Money, by Bishop Bernard Tissier de Mallerais, SSPX
  • Father of the Poor, by a Benedictine monk

Christian Culture

  • Music and Catharsis, by Dr. Andrew Childs
  • Rediscovering the Obvious, Having Christ as King Requires a Catholic Social Doctrine, by Dr. John Rao
  • The Spiritual Testament of John Shakespeare, by Mary Buckalew, Ph.D.
  • Character Formation, From SSPX Oblate sisters (Jesus Christus, No. 153, January 2016

Question and Answer

  • What might a Christian Social Order look like in our own day and age?
  • In what does society’s welfare or common good consist?
  • What can Christianity offer to what has been called the social question, that is, to bridge the gap between various classes of society?
  • How does the Christian Order judge the massive move towards large cities?
  • What are we to think of war today?

News from Tradition

  • Mother Angelica Dies
  • New Apostolic Nuncio to the United States
  • Cardinal Kasper gives another Interview
  • Euthanasia Deaths are on the Rise
  • Preacher of the Papal Household praises Martin Luther

Theological Studies

  • Chapter 8 of Amoris Laetitia, by Fr. Jean-Michel Gleize, SSPX
  • The Synod – The decentralization of the Church offends the Faith and Common Sense, by Roberto de Mattei

Letters to the Editor

The Last Word by Fr. Daniel Couture

Angelus July - August 2016 "Social Doctrine of the Church"
