Lilac Pink (S925 Mini Angel Charm) Crystal Bracelet

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Lilac Pink (S925 Mini Angel Charm) Crystal Bracelet


Confidence, Protection, Peace, Mood Stabilizer, Love, Luck, Wealth

Lavender Quartz (9mm), Blue Lace Agate (7mm), Pink Opal (7mm)

*Pink Opal consists of visible black specs and impurities due to its natural form.

Please select the measurement according to your exact wrist size, without leaving any allowance while measuring. Our bracelets will be accustomed to your wrist size. 

Pink Opal:

  • Boosts happiness, confidence, self-love, and creativity
  • Highly absorbent, protective, and reflective crystal
  • Absorbs energies of those around you, including negative and harmful ones, and reflects them back to their source
  • Stone of balance helps you regulate and balance your emotions and moods
  • Promotes self-awareness and helps you to let go of the past traumas
  • Connected to love and passion, desire, lust, sexuality, and eroticism
  • Invites you to try new things that will please both you and your partner
  • Helps you to be more emotionally responsible and mature
  • Encourages you to give out positivity
  • Promotes kindness, love, compassion, and generosity
  • Assists emotional recovery after heartbreaks – cleanses and eases pain
  • Helps ailing relationships by bringing fire and passion back
  • Infuses your relationship with loyalty and faithfulness
  • Good to have when making an impression on new clients/ business partner
  • Crystal has a reputation for helping you to be in the right place at the right time
  • Enhances abilities to see opportunities others cannot
  • Helps manifest desires of financial nature
  • Helps keep your motivation high and energy in balance
  • Brings energies of change and progress into your financial lives
  • Removes negative energies
  • Stone of fortune and luck, brings an abundance of wealth, health, happiness

Blue Lace Agate:

  • Neutralizes any anger and negative emotion 
  • Helps with your communication issues
  • Highly protective stone that will keep you safe from harm
  • Cleanse your aura from negativity and replace them with positive ones
  • Known as a stone of creativity – Unleashes the artistic side in you
  • Assists you in communicating with your spiritual guides while meditating
  • Soothes your fears and calm your emotions when you begin to feel anxious
  • Crystal promotes confidence, calmness, compassion, and a positive outlook
  • Enhances wealth, abundance, and good luck
  • Invites peace and prosperity, health and longevity
  • Gives you strength and courage when you’re facing challenges
  • Has the remarkable ability to seemingly influence the people you come into contact with
  • Helps you get a good handle on your emotions
  • Fosters maturity, stability, honesty, and loyalty in relationships

 Lavender Quartz:

  • Restores trust and harmony in all kinds of relationships
  • Improving close connections
  • Good for those who struggle with low self-esteem or self-worth
  • Encourage love, respect, trust, and worth within oneself
  • Restores confidence, balances emotions, releases stress, tension, anger, etc
  • Supports you if you are grieving the loss of a loved one
  • Helps those who feel a sense of betrayal or emotional trauma
  • Good luck charm for making and keeping wealth and abundance 
  • Excellent for starting a new business or project
  • Make sure to have it with you when you are going for a job interview, signing a deal, presentation, etc
  • Helpful when you are about to make a decision that might change your life
  • Has strong intuitive energies, and it’ll attract good luck, especially if you are looking for something to give you strong monetary returns

Additional information

Wrist Size

13cm, 14cm, 15cm, 16cm, 17cm, 18cm

Lilac Pink (S925 Mini Angel Charm) Crystal Bracelet

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